Tuthill Porsche har afsløret et nyt restomod, Tuthill Porsche 911K, og bilen ser fantastisk ud fra billederne, og kommer blandt andet med carbon-karosseripaneler
Tuthill Porsche 911K blev skabt til en af virksomhedens kunder, og den kommer med nogle imponerende specifikationer, dette er en af de sejeste 911’ere, vi har set for nylig.
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There are so many great people in the world building amazing Porsche 911’s, its sometimes quite daunting to roll your sleeves up and get stuck in. That said, my experience over the last few years, when combined with an extremely enthusiastic and supportive friend and client, was enough to do exactly that.

The idea – to build a simple, light car, beautifully presented but with the mechanical capability to take on anything that is currently out there; old or new.
This one is for the drivers and quite honestly, I never imagined it could ever be what it has already become, and we’ve only just started!

Weight is always king and the fun of driving a lightweight car when combined with what I believe to be the most exciting engine I have ever experienced and a chassis that gives one unrivalled compliance on wonderfully diverse backroads has redefined what I thought was possible.
I look forward to everyone having a go in it.”
Du kan finde flere detaljer om den nye Tuthill Porsche 911K på virksomhedens hjemmeside via linket nedenfor.
Kilde & Billedrettigheder: Tuthill Porsche