Bang & Olfusen har lanceret en ny bærbar højttaler, der er designet til udendørs brug. Navnet er Beosound Explore, og det er en lille visuel perle.

Bang & Olufsen Beosound Explore er lavet af Type 2 anodiseret aluminium og er designet til at være hårdfør og robust i dens konstruktion.

”Bang & Olufsen today introduces Beosound Explore, a tough and robust speaker created for adventure, helping you reach your peak with sound by your side. Developed to be lightweight, waterproof and with excellent playtime, Beosound Explore is the perfect outdoor speaker featuring Bang & Olufsen’s signature sound and Scandinavian design, built for durability.”

“We created Beosound Explore to be our toughest speaker that can withstand the outdoor elements. The speaker is dust and waterproof, embodied in a scratch resistant type 2 anodised aluminum surface. The exceptional sound quality for its size makes Beosound Explore the perfect companion for any adventure”,
lyder det fra Bang & Olufsen SVP of Product Management Christoffer Poulsen.

Du kan finde flere detaljer om den nye Beosound Explore-højttaler på nedenstående link. Enheden sælges for £ 169 og fås i et valg af tre farver, sleek black anthracite, soft grey mist, eller deep racing green hue.

Source: Bang & Olufsen

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