Mange regeringer rundt om i verden har sanktioneret Rusland for deres ulovlige invasion af Ukraine. Nogle af de sanktionerede personer har måske troet, at de kunne snige sig uden om sanktionerne ved hjælp af kryptovaluta.

Det ser dog ud til, at dette langt fra er tilfældet, da Coinbase nu blokerer adgangen for disse personer.

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Herunder kan du se flere detaljer fra virksomheden.

Coinbase is committed to building a safe and responsible financial system that promotes economic freedom around the world. We strive to be the most trusted platform for buying, selling, and exchanging digital assets, helping everyday people to participate in the crypto economy. We earn that trust by working hard to ensure the integrity of all transactions supported by our platform, and a critical part of that goal is our compliance with economic sanctions.

In the past few weeks, governments around the world have imposed a range of sanctions on individuals and territories in response to Russia’s invasion of Ukraine. Sanctions play a vital role in promoting national security and deterring unlawful aggression, and Coinbase fully supports these efforts by government authorities. Sanctions are serious interventions, and governments are best placed to decide when, where, and how to apply them.

Du kan finde flere detaljer om, hvad Coinbase gør for at forhindre, at kryptovaluta bliver brugt til at omgå sanktioner på deres hjemmeside via linket nedenfor.

Credit & Billedrettigheder: Coinbase, Pexels

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