Ud over de nye iOS 15.4 og iPadOS 15.4 og watchOS 8.5 opdateringer har Apple også udgivet en ny softwareopdatering til Mac, macOS Monterey 12.3.

macOS Monterey 12.3 softwareopdateringen bringer en række nye funktioner til Mac, den inkluderer også nogle fejlrettelser og nogle performanceoptimeringer.

Indholdet i macOS Monterey 12.3

Credit: Brandon Butch – Se på YouTube

Denne opdatering tilføjer den nye Universal Control funktion til Mac, dette giver dig mulighed for at styre din iPad med musen og tastaturet fra din Mac. Opdateringen inkluderer også Spatial Audio og et nyt udvalg af Emoji, plus nogle andre mindre ændringer.

Du kan se release-notaterne fra Apple nedenfor:

macOS 12.3 adds Universal Control so you can use a single mouse and keyboard across your Mac and iPad. This release also includes new emoji, dynamic head tracking for Music, and other features and bug fixes for your Mac.

Universal Control (beta)

  • Universal Control allows you to use a single mouse and keyboard across iPad and Mac
  • Text can be typed on either Mac or iPad and you can drag and drop files between them

Spatial Audio

  • Dynamic head tracking is available in Music with supported AirPods on Mac computers with the M1 chip
  • Customizable spatial audio settings for Off, Fixed, and Head Tracked are now in Control Center with supported AirPods on Mac computers with the M1 chip


  • New emoji including faces, hand gestures, and household objects are available in emoji keyboard
  • Handshake emoji allows you to choose separate skin tones for each hand
  • This release also includes the following enhancements for your Mac:
  • Siri now includes an additional voice, expanding the diversity of options
  • Podcasts app adds episode filter for seasons, played, unplayed, saved, or downloaded episodes
  • Safari webpage translation adds support for Italian and Chinese (Traditional)
  • Shortcuts now supports adding, removing, or querying tags with Reminders
  • Saved passwords can now include your own notes
  • Battery capacity readings have improved accuracy

This release also includes bug fixes for your Mac:

  • News widgets in Today View may not open articles when clicked
  • Audio may sound distorted while watching video in the Apple TV app
  • Some photos and videos may be unintentionally moved when organizing albums in Photos
  • Some features may not be available for all regions or on all Apple devices. For information on the security content of Apple software updates, please visit this website: https://support.apple.com/kb/HT201222

Den nye macOS Monterey 12.3 softwareopdatering er nu tilgængelig til download til Apples Mac-udvalg af computere. Du kan finde mere information om denne opdatering på Apples hjemmeside via linket nedenfor.

Credit & Billedrettigheder: Apple, Foto: Lee Campbell, Brandon Butch

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