Apple har annonceret, at deres WWDC 2022 event vil finde sted den 6. juni, WWDC 2022 vil være en onlinebegivenhed, selvom det ser ud til, at en del af begivenheden vil tillade deltagere i år.

Den 6. juni er Apple vært for udviklere og studerende på Apple Park, hvor de får mulighed for at se keynote og Stae of the Union-videoer sammen, flere detaljer er nedenfor.

Join developers worldwide from June 6 to 10 for an inspiring week of technology and community. Get a first look at Apple’s latest platforms and technologies in sessions, explore the newest tools and tips, and connect with Apple experts in labs and digital lounges. All online and at no cost.

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In addition to the online conference, Apple will host a special day for developers and students at Apple Park on June 6 to watch the keynote and State of the Union videos together, along with the online community. Space is limited and details on how to apply to attend will be provided soon.

Apple forventes at annoncere nogle nye Macs på WWDC 2022 samt de næste store udgivelser af macOS, iOS, iPadOS, watchOS og mere. Vi ser frem til at finde ud af præcis, hvad Apple har planlagt til denne begivenhed.

Credit & Billedrettigheder: Apple

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