IFA 2022 finder sted mellem den 2. og den 6. september i år, sidste års begivenhed blev aflyst på grund af Covid-19. Vi kan forvente at se en bred vifte af teknologivirksomheder deltage i dette års begivenhed, vi ser frem til at finde ud af flere detaljer om den nyeste teknologi markedet har at byde på i 2022.

“Now, though, it’s finally time to ‘get real’ and once again organize a full-size trade show at the grounds of Messe Berlin and in a city that is not only the capital of Europe’s largest consumer market but evolved as a European media hub as well,” said Jens Heithecker, IFA Executive Director, Executive Vice President Messe Berlin Group. “Many leading global brands have already committed their participation. As of now, we register high demand for the IFA Fitness & Digital Health area and the Home Appliances section.”

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IFA has a reputation as a global, unbiased and high-quality platform for brands. The event offers flexible and highly customized solutions to participants across industry, retail and media. As before, the concept still combines b2b and b2c elements, which makes it possible to showcase products and brands in a uniquely engaging context, both as an industry showcase and as a reality check for innovation in front of real consumers. Therefore, the show is essential for experts, public as for media. IFA in Berlin is where most of the world’s annual product innovations are unveiled, which are then made available to consumers in the year-end business.

Du kan finde mere information om IFA 2022 på IFAs hjemmeside via nedenstående link.

Credit & Billedrettigheder: IFA

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