De 75 millioner dollars bliver investeret i HUF Global LLC, og Porsche sætter sig på 12,5 procent af aktierne i virksomheden.

De nye syntetiske brændstoffer er designet til at blive brugt med forbrændingsmotorer, selvom de i modsætning til benzin og diesel næsten ikke har nogen emissioner og er næsten CO2-neutrale.

Disse nye former for brændstoffer er baseret på brint og CO2, og de vil blive produceret ved hjælp af vindenergi, produktionen starter i år.

EFuels make an important contribution to climate protection and complement our electromobility in a meaningful way. By investing in industrial eFuel production, Porsche is further expanding its commitment to sustainable mobility. In total, our investment in the development and provision of this innovative technology amounts to more than USD 100 million,” says Barbara Frenkel, Member of the Executive Board for Procurement at Porsche AG.

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“Porsche is investing in an attractive business area with its stake in HIF Global LLC. Synthetic fuels offer attractive prospects across transportation sectors, from the automotive industry to the aviation and shipping sectors. In addition, e-methanol is an important raw material for other applications, such as in the chemical industry, where it can replace raw materials of fossil origin. E-methanol is an intermediate product that is produced during the generation of eFuel,” explains Michael Steiner, Member of the Executive Board for Research and Development at Porsche AG.

Det bliver interessant at finde ud af flere detaljer om disse nye syntetiske brændstoffer, som er ved at blive udviklet af Porsche og andre virksomheder. Læs mere via nedenstående link.

Credit & Billedrettigheder: Porsche

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