Apple har annonceret, at de vil hæve priserne på App Store i Europa samt nogle andre lande rundt om i verden.

Disse nye prisstigninger vil finde sted i Europa fra næste måned, og træder i kraft den 5. oktober 2022.

Prisstigningerne skyldes ændringer i prisen på Euro sammenlignet med USD og også for at tage højde for skatteændringer.

As early as October 5, 2022, prices of apps and in-app purchases (excluding auto-renewable subscriptions) on the App Store will increase in Chile, Egypt, Japan, Malaysia, Pakistan, Poland, South Korea, Sweden, Vietnam, and all territories that use the euro currency. In Vietnam, these increases also reflect new regulations for Apple to collect and remit applicable taxes, being value added tax (VAT) and corporate income tax (CIT) at 5% rates respectively.

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Your proceeds will be adjusted accordingly and will be calculated based on the tax-exclusive price. Exhibit B of the Paid Applications Agreement will be updated to indicate that Apple collects and remits applicable taxes in Vietnam.

Minimumsprisen for apps i Apple Apps Store vil blive forhøjet fra €0,99 til €1,19 i Europa fra den 5. oktober, du kan læse mere på Apples hjemmeside via linket nedenfor.

Kilde & Billedrettigheder: Apple, MaxPixel

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