Microsoft har annonceret udgivelsen af seneste Windows 11 Insider Preview Build 22621.885, der medfører nye funktioner og version 22623.885, og som standard har de nye funktioner slået fra. Det seneste Preview Build er nu tilgængelige til download via Microsoft betakanalen, og de insidere, der tidligere hoppede med på Build 22622. De vil automatisk blive flyttet til Build 22623 via en aktiveringspakke, lyder det fra Microsoft.

Funktioner i den seneste Windows 11 Insider Preview Build inkluderer muligheden for at få adgang til Windows Studio effekter fra hurtig indstillinger, optimerede energianbefalinger, udvidet visning i widgets sammen med flere ændringer, tweaks, forbedringer og optimeringer.

“Need more space in your widgets board? Can’t quite see everything at a glance? We’re trying out some changes that will allow you to expand the size of your widgets board. We are beginning to roll out Energy Recommendations under Settings > System > Power & Battery > Energy Recommendations. Review and apply these recommendations to improve the energy efficiency of your PC and reduce your carbon footprint.”

Windows 11 Insider Preview Build

“Windows Studio effects can now be accessed directly from Quick Settings on the taskbar, for devices that have a supported Neural Processing Unit (NPU). This makes it quick and easy to enable and configure camera effects (Background Blur, Eye Contact, and automatic framing) and audio effects (Voice Focus). You can still access these effects in the Settings pages if desired.”

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“The enablement package artificially increments the build number for the update with new features getting rolled out and turned on to make it easier to differentiate from devices with the update with features off by default. This approach is being used for the Beta Channel only and is not indicative of any changes or plans for final feature rollouts. Insiders who landed in the group with new features turned off by default (Build 22621.xxxx) can check for updates and choose to install the update that will have features rolling out (Build”

Kilde & Billedrettigheder: Microsoft, Pixabay

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