Bluetooth Special Interest Group annoncerede i går deres nyeste Bluetooth SIG 6 GHz frekvensbåndsprojekt.

Bluetooth Special Interest Group (SIG), brancheforeningen har i denne uge annonceret et nyt specifikationsudviklingsprojekt for at definere driften af Bluetooth Low Energy (LE) i deres ulicenseret mellembåndsspektrum, inklusive 6 GHz frekvensbåndet. Det nye spektrumudvidelsesprojekt vil bidrage til at sikre, at Bluetooth performanceforbedring kan fortsætte langt ud i fremtiden.

Med over 5 milliarder solgte produkter hvert år, er Bluetooth-teknologien den mest udbredte trådløse standard i verden. En årsag til dens uovertrufne anvendelse og succesrate er den kontinuerlige udvikling af teknologien på nøgleområder, herunder højere data-throughput, lavere latenstid og større positioneringsnøjagtighed.

Bluetooth SIG 6 GHz

“Over the last twenty years, Bluetooth technology has made our lives more productive, safer, healthier, and joyful,” said Mark Powell, CEO of the Bluetooth SIG. “The Bluetooth SIG community is constantly evolving the technology to meet ever expanding market demands for wireless communications. Expanding into the 6 GHz spectrum band will ensure the community can continue to make the enhancements necessary to pave the way for the next twenty years of Bluetooth innovation.”

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“The global allocation of additional spectrum for unlicensed use is vital to ensuring that wireless technologies can continue to meet growing connectivity demands,” said Kevin Robinson, President and CEO of Wi-Fi Alliance. “Designating 6 GHz for unlicensed use creates a valuable spectrum resource that is recognized globally for its ability to bring tremendous socioeconomic benefits. Wi-Fi Alliance looks forward to collaborating with the Bluetooth SIG to ensure our successful co-existence in the band.”

Kilde & Billedrettigheder: SIG

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