Google har annonceret, at Matter nu er tilgængelig på dets Google Nest enheder samt Googles udvalg af Android enheder.

Matter er en ny standard for smart home platforme og teknologi, du kan se mere information nedenfor fra Google.

Setting up and customizing your smart home devices with Google Home just got easier thanks to Matter, a new standard for smart home platforms, apps and devices. Starting today, Google Nest devices and Android devices are Matter-enabled, allowing you to quickly and consistently set up Matter-enabled devices and customize your smart home to best suit your needs.

As a member of the Connectivity Standards Alliance, the organization that develops Matter, we’ve worked alongside 300 companies for nearly three years to help make it easier to connect smart home devices across hundreds of brands. With Matter, everything from smart lighting, thermostats, window shades and door locks will work better together with less time and effort on your part.

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Matter-enabled Google devices are ready to connect to Matter devices from other brands. These Google Nest and Android devices have been automatically updated, so you don’t need to do anything.

With Matter, you will need a hub to control your smart devices. If you want to control your smart home with Google Home, you’ll need a Google Home or Nest device that can double as a hub for Matter. These devices include the original Google Home speaker, Google Home Mini, Nest Mini, Nest Audio, Nest Hub (1st and 2nd gen), Nest Hub Max, and the new Nest Wifi Pro.

Du kan finde ud af flere detaljer om de Google Nest- og Android-enheder, der får support til Matter på Googles websted via linket nedenfor.

Kilde & Billedrettigheder: Google

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